Chatbots vs. Humans: Which Chat Solution Is Right for My Business?

Chat services have quickly become a vital component to communication for businesses, as they offer customers a high degree of convenience, speed, and effectiveness. These beneficial tools not only improve the user experience but also help companies scale their marketing and customer service platforms to get more clients from their websites.

What Are Chatbots?

With the dramatic advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years, countless businesses have begun to implement messaging services with the use of chatbots, software designed to simulate conversation with humans. AI representatives can assist customers with basic tasks, answer frequently asked questions, and reduce waiting times at call centers.

While chatbots may be an adequate solution for a variety of companies, they are often difficult to set up and limited in their functionality.  Moreover, there are a number of industries, including legal, medical, real estate, and many others, that typically deal with sensitive and confidential information. For those businesses, human chat operators deliver a more customized experience that cannot be equaled by artificial intelligence.

Which Chat Method Is Right for My Business?

When a business chooses to increase its client reach through chat services, it must consider whether to use human representatives, chatbots, or a hybrid. This important decision requires considering a few factors:

  • Am I using chat to help customers with addressing basic questions and tasks, or rather with solving complex issues?
  • Does my business handle sensitive information that must be managed with confidentiality and empathy?
  • Would my potential clients prefer to interact with a human or a computer?

Client Chat Live

At Client Chat Live, we provide professional operators ready to chat with your website visitors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Trusted by hundreds of law firms and other businesses across the nation, our chat service delivers a slate of options for customization and branding as well as monthly reports and analytics to help your business increase client acquisition. Call (808) 495-0231 today to get started with a free quote.