4 Social Media Tips for Law Firms in 2018

In 2018, social media is better understood by lawyers than it was just 10 years ago, when Facebook and Twitter were still in their infancy. Unfortunately, many lawyers continue to believe that an active LinkedIn profile is sufficient.

Any lawyer who wants to take full advantage of technology needs to utilize social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Adapting to the following trends will make social media an asset rather than a burden for your practice.

Live Video

If your law firm is looking for a way to distinguish itself from the competition, using Facebook, Instagram, or Periscope to discuss a hot topic or provide question-and-answer time to current or future clients can prove invaluable.

Live video gives potential clients the chance to see your attorneys in action, and allows them to ask questions they have in real time. As you prepare to do a live video session, it’s important to plan and market your session ahead of time. This will help ensure the video receives a live viewership, which will enable your attorneys to interact with consumers and will make the video an even more powerful tool.

After the live session ends, post the video on your firm’s profile so that those who couldn’t watch in real time can go back and watch at their leisure.

Don’t Use Stock Photos

As more and more firms begin to use social media sites and apps, it’s important that the pictures accompanying your firm’s posts catch the viewers eye. Instead of pulling stock photos from Google, take some time to plan a photo shoot and use photos of your attorneys in action.

Understand and Cater to Your Target Market

Everyone uses social media a bit differently, and it’s important that you understand how your ideal client uses the medium. For example, 19 percent of millennials have said they would prefer to text or email their lawyer.

If you’re hoping to engage younger clientele, consider using social media features like Facebook Messenger, direct messages, or texting to communicate with them, rather than using your posts to simply convey information. No matter what you do, be sure to engage your audience. Encourage people to reply to your content and to include or tag you in content of their own.

Have a Content Strategy and Stick with It

Take the time to decide exactly what image your firm wants to portray on its social media accounts. Rather than using your firm’s social media to show every little thing being done, consider highlighting only those things that help your firm stand out.

Decide how often you would like to post and what you want the content of each post to do or say. Once you’ve decided those things, implement your strategy and stick with it. Being consistent across each post, and across social media platforms, allows your firm to remain focused and to not waste energy coming up with new ideas each day or week.

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